
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


    21 years....gosh just thinking about it makes me feel old! Everyone looks forward to turning 21; and don't get me wrong I can't wait, but where have all these years gone? I guess the saying "Time flies when you are having fun" really holds true!
    Looking back I wouldn't change a thing, and I can honestly say I don't regret the things I experienced. Sure there were times that I would stop and ask myself "What the hell are you doing Nikki?" But who doesn't question most of the stuff they do, and still partake in it anyways? I guess what I am trying to say is LIVE IT UP!!! I am not saying go out and commit felonies or live recklessly but do things you normally wouldn't do, and go places you have never been. Live life for you and not anyone else!

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